Advice to the Youth

I am going to be very honest, I could not imagine being a teen in this day and age. When I was younger we just had to worry about being bullied, having friends and what are curfew was to come back inside. Cell phones came out when I was 13 and we did not have the capabilities to do anything on them, like kids/teens do today.

Some advice I have thought about recently to give to the younger generation who may or may not take it.

  • Don’t be so hard on yourself or others, forgive easily and don’t hold grudges

  • Friends in highschool may last or they may not. Find people who are good for your soul and not for popularity

  • If a person talks crap to you about others, they are most likely bad mouthing you

  • Keep secrets and build trust

  • Don’t get upset if you fail, failure is a part of life. Your parents may be upset, but it will pass

  • Don’t try drugs, specially now a days where people want you addicted and you don’t know what is in it

  • Party and be responsible. Don’t be afraid to ask for a ride and don’t drink and drive (Its dumb and can affect somebody else’s life, not just yours)

  • Be cautious of people and speak up if your gut is telling you something isn’t right

  • Best friends can be jealous to and try to hurt you secretly

  • Be in love with yourself and don’t depend on anybody else to do it.

  • Be happy with being alone and find activities that can support that.


Things to Do and Say

